Is IPL the Same as BBL for Facial Rejuvenation?

by | Jun 15, 2019

When your once-youthful skin begins to lose its luminescence, Austin Clinic can help you improve:

  • Skin imperfections
  • Signs of facial ageing
  • Sun damage
  • Unsightly small veins
  • Birthmarks

Broadband Light (BBL) is our choice for the best facial rejuvenation results. With innovative and proven technology, BBL allows our team to solve a variety of skin problems. Many of our patients ask for BBL skin treatments by name. Others have heard of IPL (intense pulsed light) therapy and want to know the difference between the two approaches.

Itโ€™s an important distinction and one weโ€™re happy to explore with you.

How IPL and BBL are Similar

Both IPL and BBL are treatments that employ photolight technology. They work by directing light energy to target

  • Skin pigment
  • Hair pigment
  • Redness of blood vessels
  • Acne-causing bacteria

When the light hits the target cells, it transforms into heat energy and destroys them. The body then naturally eliminates them. โ€œAt the same time, the treatment triggers the bodyโ€™s natural healing mechanism which leads to the production of new, healthy elastin and collagen,โ€ adds Dr Austin.

6 Differences Between IPL vs BBL

Essentially, you could call BBL the Generation 2.0 of IPL. The improvements are dramatic. Unlike IPL, BBL

  • Is more accurate
  • Offers superior results
  • Is safer
  • Is more effective in treating patients with darker skin types
  • Has a lower risk of complications
  • Requires no down time after treatment

โ€œThere are some patients for whom BBL treatment is not a good choice,โ€ notes Dr Austin. It is not suitable for patients who:

  • Were recently sunburn
  • Used a tanning bed or tanned w/o protection for 4 weeks prior to treatment

There are also some skin and health conditions that would interfere with BBL therapy. โ€œBe sure you discuss your medical history with your doctor at length,โ€ says Dr Austin.

Add Topical Treatments to BBL for Skin WOW

The news has been filled with information about the benefits of rejuvenation packages that combine complementary treatments. โ€œBBL combined with HydraFacial has been shown to result in greater skin improvement than either treatment alone,โ€ says Dr Austin. โ€œAfter the skin is cleansed and exfoliated, we apply topical antioxidants to nourish and protect the skin.โ€ The two-in-one approach can more effectively help fight back against

  • Fine Lines
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Skin texture
  • Skin dullness

The addition of topical antioxidants to a BBL regimen has been shown to improve the chemical, clinical, biochemical and histological changes seen following BBL treatments alone. But what does that actually mean for the skin? Basically, combining BBL photo-rejuvenation treatments with a topical application of antioxidants (with the HydraFacial treatment) will result in greater improvement in the appearance of fine lines, pore size, hyperpigmentation, dullness and texture, than either treatment can provide on its own.

BBL Skin Treatments at Austin Clinic

Our gold-standard Sciton BBL amazingly effective. Its unparalleled flexibility allows us to offer a more customised treatment of skin problems than with IPL. There is more to BBL treatment success than a machine, however. The clinical and aesthetic skills of our operators are the true source of the skin โ€œmagicโ€ we achieve at Austin Clinic. Contact us today and schedule a consultation. Your skin will thank you for it.

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