Results for "dermal fillers"


Please select a letter from the index below to see the glossary terms beginning with that letter. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Acne Acne is a skin disease that affects people of all ages. Acne can occur for many reasons including hormonal,...
Droopy eyes & dark circles

Droopy eyes & dark circles

Dark circles and droopy eyelids can now be corrected without surgery thanks to a trio of innovative, non-invasive treatments. Dark circles and droopy eyelids are a common consequence of ageing, causing people to look older and more tired than they really are. Droopy...
Droopy eyes & dark circles

Mouth frown & lines

Frown lines, laugh lines and other mouth wrinkles can now be erased without surgery, anaesthesia, or a long recovery. Fine lines and pronounced wrinkles around the mouth can age your face and rob you of your self-confidence. At Austin Clinic, we use innovative,...
Wrinkles & Lines

Wrinkles & Lines

Fine lines and wrinkles can be successfully treated by using muscle relaxants, dermal fillers, photorejuvenation, skin tightening, microdermabrasion, chemical peels or the judicious use of the correct products for your skin. We normally recommend a consultation with...