Results for "mask"



Aspect is part of the same Australian owned skincare company as Aspect Dr. Their focus is on providing simple, effective cosmeceutical skincare. Aspect products are formulated to provide optimum results with minimal irritation. They use a combination of native...
Warning: 2 Diet Choices that Can Hurt Your Skin

Warning: 2 Diet Choices that Can Hurt Your Skin

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected Australians in more ways than one. You may not have considered how a year of quarantine has affected your skin (HINT HINT: diet), but we’re here to help. The team at Austin Clinic dishes up some simple diet tips so you can start eating your way to beautiful skin today.

5 Ways to Combat Ageing Lips

5 Ways to Combat Ageing Lips

Austin Clinic invites you to sit back, relax, and put on a mask…a skin-beautifying fruit enzyme mask. Created by Melbourne’s own Aspect Skincare company, this exceptional mask uses ‘delicious’ ingredients like fruit enzymes and coffee extract to correct: