Why Winter Weather and Dry Skin Go Hand in Hand

by | May 3, 2021

Stop that thief! Every year, winter robs skin of essential moisture. Mix the cold, dry air outside with the hot, dry air inside, and youโ€™ve got a potent cocktail for skin ageing. Cold and even chilly temperatures can compromise skin health, triggering xerosis (dry skin) and eczema (itchy, dry, reddish patches on skin). Even people whose complexions are normally dewy can find themselves with dull, flaking skin when the mercury starts to drop.

With winter on the horizon here in Australia, the medical skin experts at Austin Clinic are standing at the ready with products and treatments to keep you looking fresh until Spring.

Your Skin Protects You, Return the Favour

Healthy skin looks good on you and feels good to the touch, but it has a much more important function. Skin protects your body from the array of bacteria and viruses it comes into contact with daily. Itโ€™s quite literally a barrier between you and whatever comes your way when youโ€™re out in the world. Itโ€™s in your best interest to keep that barrier strong and to repair it when itโ€™s damaged.

โ€œWinter is an excellent time to re-evaluate your skin care regimen and make sure the formulations contain the ingredients you need,โ€ says Dr Austin. She points to XeraCalm Lipid-Replenishing Cream as a good example. Itโ€™s formulated with natural ingredients prized for their ability to help rebalance the microbiome while supporting the skinโ€™s natural defence system.:

  • I-Modulia โ€“ A spring water-based post-biotic complex that calms itching
  • Cer-Omega โ€“ A derivative of evening primrose, it is rich in omega-6 helping to hydrate, nourish and repair the skin barrier

What XeraCalm doesnโ€™t contain is almost important as what it does. Its formulation was created to minimise the risk of an allergic response, so it is:

  • Fragrance-free
  • Paraben-free
  • Preservative-free
  • Soy-free
  • Wheat-free

โ€œIt is also free of animal-derived ingredients,โ€ reports Dr Austin. โ€œThat is important to many of our patients.โ€

4 More Ways to Winterise Your Skin

Replacing lost moisture is a critical part of skin care and keeping moisture from being lost is equally important. Here are some simple things you can do to help your skin look its best:

  • Take a Smart Shower โ€“ Limit showers to ten minutes and keep the water warm, not hot.
  • Humidify Yourself to Sleep โ€“ Both warm and cold air humidifiers add needed moisture to the air and help prevent chapped lips and dry skin.
  • Keep It Covered โ€“ Skin exposed to cold, windy weather ages quickly. This is especially true of the hands and face where skin is thin and prone to cracking. Gloves and scarves can keep some of the moisture in.
  • Stay out of the Sun โ€“ It may be tempting to turn your face towards the sun to enjoy the warm rays, but you wonโ€™t enjoy the wrinkles and fine lines UV rays can cause. Always use a sunscreen and limit your time in the midday sun.

When You Donโ€™t Know, Ask Us

If you find the idea of changing your skincare regimen a bit daunting, let us help. You can contact us with your questions, schedule a consultation, or book an appointment online. Your skin will thank you.

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